Canada (Ontario) 稅務研究 (三) — Tax Credit 和 Federal Tax

spring wong
7 min readSep 29, 2023


上次大約計算出 Line 23600 的數值,你已經知道自己的 net income. 接下來,我們可以開始計始 Taxable income.

Line 26000 — Taxable income

Taxable income 計算並不複雜,就是將 Line 23600 減 Line 25700. Line 25700 是 sum of Line 24400–25600. 詳細內容請參考官方列表

大部份項目都未必適用一般人,比較值得留意的是 Line 25300 Net capital losses of other years. 這裡所指的 Line 12700 的 Taxable capital gains (or losses) , 簡單而言,投資的得和失也可以報到稅表內,如果該年的總投資是損失,比如 -$200 CAD, 這損失可以帶到往後的 tax year 去減少該年的 capital gain, 或抵消前三年的 capital gain. 這部份有機會也想再深入研究。

26000 就到這裡 , 25300 可能會和 12700 再開一篇研究, 我第一年的報稅,26000 就等於 23600. 沒東西可以報。接下來會講 Line 35000 Federal non-refundable tax credits.

Line 35000 — Federal non-refundable tax credits

35000 本人理解是 Federal 的稅務減免項目,non-refundable 意思是不會扣到 Refund,最多減到零。由 30000 去到 34900 也是 tax credits 的範圍,不少都涉及計算。同一個列表可以找到 ref

Line 30000 — Basic Personal Amount

類似個人基本免稅額,如果net income 少於 $155,625 (這在加拿大很高人工了, 2023 的net income 可能是165430, 是 income bracket 的第四個 level),2023 年的基本額為 $15,000, 再高人工會稍為減少這免稅額, 減到 net income $235,675 (第五個 bracket), 並扣到最低為 $13,521.

另外,如果是新到加拿大,你的 quota 要按比例減少,比如你在 2月1 來到加拿大, 你的 quota 是 15000 * (365–30) / 365.

Line 30100– Age Amount (65 歲以上人仕適用, 這裡就不討論)

Line 30300 — Spouse or common-partner amount

如果有支援伴侶的生活,並且伴侶的收入少於你的 Basic Personal amount, 你可以報這項。

這項目如果伴侶(或後面的小朋友 / 家人)有身體/ 心理 障礙,額度會稍為加大,但我就作太多描述了。

Line 30400 — Amount for eligible dependant

留意,報了 Line 30300 就不能報 30400。

Eligible dependant 的定義為

  • your parent or grandparent
  • your child, grandchild, brother, or sister under 18 years of age
  • your child, grandchild, brother, or sister 18 years of age or older with an impairment in physical or mental functions


  • You did not have a spouse or common-law partner or, if you did, you were not living with them, supporting them, or being supported by them
  • You supported the dependant in 2022
  • You lived with the dependant (in most cases in Canada) in a home you maintained. You cannot claim this amount for a person who was only visiting you


One of Your Children: You can claim the dependant tax benefit for any of your children up to 18 years old. After they turn 18, you may claim them if they have an eligible physical or mental disability. Your child doesn’t even need to live with you while they go to school to be eligible. Just as long as yours is their permanent address, you can choose to claim them for your dependant. And only one parent can claim the child. If you and the child’s other parent separate, claim the tax credit only if the child normally resides with you. If you make child support payments, that child is not an eligible dependant.

始乎父母其中一方是可以 claim 這 credit 的 。此外,一整個家庭應該只可以 claim 一個 eligible dependant.

Line 30425, 30450, 30500 — Caregiver amount, Caregiver 意指照顧身體/ 心理障礙人仕

Line 30800 — Base CPP or QPP contributions through employment income

這計有點少複雜,需要使用 s8 form part 3去計算。

Line 31260 — Canada employment amount

可以 claim “work-related expenses”, 包括 home computers, uniform. 因此,感覺是有用的項目,2022 最多可 claim $1287.

Line 31270 — Home buyers’ amount

算是作為首置的退稅一部份吧,可以 claim 最多 $10000

Line 31350 — Digital news subscription expenses

寫這篇時留意到這個,只要是合資格的 news subscription, 可以申報到這裡,獲得退稅。合資格的列表

Line 32300 — Your tuition, education and textbook amounts


Line 33099 and 33199 — Eligible medical expense you can claim on your tax return

有趣的項目,雖然 Ontario 的 OHIP 包括睇醫生,但這裡是指一些其他醫療項目,部分不用 Prescription, 詳情可以睇官方列表

Line 34900 — Donations and gifts

這裡指的是捐贈給認可機構,有一個有趣的 concept 是 advantage, 有時捐錢會得到禮物,比如拍賣,你收到禮物的價值就是 advantage, 你可claim 的數目是 (捐贈額 — advantage)

我上年也有在 donation 買到一幅畫,可惜報稅時不知道有這 advantage 的資料,以為一定要純金錢捐贈。




spring wong

Team lead of enterprise company, focus on mobile native and react native